Saturday, May 9, 2009

Site Redesign

While I have done some development work, I am not a web developer or designer. So you may have noticed my main Flowing Desert web page was a bit rough around the edges. I was just getting things started and wanted to get something up. After a critique from a marketing pro, (that I had volunteered for) I started working on a redesign.

A recent fortune cookie said "Put up with small annoyanced to gain great results." Well, learning enough about web development to accomplish this revision (I'm calling it version 2.0) certainly involved more than a few annoyances for me and some were not in the small category. Time will tell if it produces great results.

Stay tuned as I am getting close to releasing some changes. The first change is the new Twitter Icon Archive. I will be making changes to that page first just to test out new stuff with CSS. I look foreword to comments and suggestions.


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