Sunday, May 3, 2009

Honk, Honk!

New week, new Twitter icon. Waterfowl this time around. In fact, we could probably call them IronGeese. You see, I took this picture while I was watching and photographing Ironman Arizona this past November. I made it there for at least part of the day for the third consecutive running of this race.

First in April of 2007, I volunteered on my motorcycle and spent quite a few hours on the course as an official race vehicle. Next, in April of 2008, I attempted to complete the race as a participant. (successfully in about 14.5 hours). This time, I was there to repay some friends that were there to cheer me on who were competing in the new November edition and to try and capture some sports photos.

After a while, all bikes look the same and so I looked around and saw these guys flying overhead. I'm not sure if they were coming or going, but there were sure honking a lot.
I call this one Wingman. "You can be my wingman anytime." (name that move).


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