Sunday, April 26, 2009


One of the birds I have been wanting to catch ever since I got my Nikon D60 last year is the roadrunner. Not an impossible goal since I live right smack in the middle of the desert which is his habitat. Every time I have seen one, by the time I get out of the car and over to where they were, they are gone.

A few weeks ago, my Dad told me that he had seen some roadrunners near his house, so the next time I was over there, we took a different route on our way home to drive by where he had been seeing them.

As soon as we turned down one street, I saw a couple of shapes run across the road. Everyone else in the car saw them too and everyone was wondering aloud "Were those roadrunners?".

As we got to where we had seen them, I slipped the car into neutral, rolled the windows down, killed the radio and air conditioning. I had my camera out and ready.

Not the best picture I could hope for, but the best I got before they both jumped a 5 foot fence and were gone. I will keep looking for another chance to capture this speedy bird. In the meantime, feel free to stop over in my animal photo gallery and take a look at some of my other pictures.

So are there any elusive targets on your list to see or photograph? Leave a comment here or say something over on Twitter.


  1. Just be careful of falling anvils.... :) Cool shot.

  2. I did almost run smack into a wall with a painted on tunnel once :)

    On Twitter, @jhoetzl asked "You didn't have the ACME lens with you!?"
    Silly me, thinking the debate was Canon or Nikon :)

    Roadrunner cartoons are great entertainment and certainly brings back some old memories.

    Thanks folks!

  3. I've watched the Roadrunner cartoons my whole life and just now realized that I had never seen a picture of an actual roadrunner -- until now. Thanks for the great shot!

  4. Glad you enjoyed it. I've been keeping my eyes open and found another one. Stay tuned for another roadrunner blog post soon.


Your feedback is appreciated!