It is good to start the year with a new challenge. Picacho Peak is a nice hike with some rolling hills to start with. I have tried to make it all the way to the top a few times now.
That is about 3.1 miles according to the trail map. It starts getting steep at about 2 miles and I have made it about that far several times. They have steps in some places, but it is still quite a workout.
It was a great day for a hike and I was able to talk my youngest son and my Dad into joining me. It was nice and sunny but with a breeze that kept it from getting too warm. It is a bit bleak in the desert with little vegetation save some the cactus. I can't wait to go back there again later in the spring after we have gotten some rain and there are some flowers blooming.
Well, we tried, but we only made it about 2.1 miles before we decided to turn back. The altitude where we turned around was over 600 feet higher than where we parked, but there was a lot more up and down which left us pretty wiped out. We decided to try it again in a couple months and get an earlier start to see if we can make it all the way to the top.
So how did you start out 2010? Any New Years Resolutions?