Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Repairs are underway
In the meantime, feel free to browse some of my older posts. Comments on the older posts will not be posted till I moderate them, but that is just to make sure a spam-bot doesn't go crazy on me. Plus that ensures that I don't overlook a comment on an older post.
See you soon.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Big Bird
Here is a closer look at one of the gray ones. I like the black and white coloring on the head and the intensity in his gaze.
After spending some time with my favorite paper resource, The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of North American Birds, as well as a bit of time on I am pretty sure this is a Great Blue Heron. Click on the whatbird link above to see what I mean.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hooves or wings
Now for the tricky part. I am pretty certain this is a hawk, but what kind. After going through the WhatBird wizzard, the 2 I think most likely are listed below. I've deleted the parts of the description that do not contribute to this identification since I did not see him flying or hunting.
Harris's Hawk: Large hawk, dark brown head, neck, back, belly and rust-brown shoulders, underwing coverts and flanks. Tail is dark brown to almost black with white base and terminal band. Undertail coverts are white. Legs and feet are yellow.
Red-tailed Hawk: Large, highly variable hawk with brown upperparts, head and throat. The underparts are pale with brown streaks. Wings are pale below with dark bar at leading edge and dark tips. The tail is red-brown with dark terminal band. Legs and feet are yellow.
While it could possibly be a prarie falcon, I think the prarie falcon seems to have more white in the the head and back (based on the pictures in whatbird and in my book, The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of North American Birds). In some of the shots, his tail looks red-brown which is my current reason for calling it a Red-tailed Hawk, but I would be happy to accept the advice on more experienced birders (and you are all more experienced birders than I am). Please leave comments here (very easy and no login needed) or on Twitter. Comments here are considered "DoFollow" so they will link back to your site which helps your site in the Google rankings (many sited are noFollow and that seems to be the blogger default).
I have more pictures of this guy, but am not happy with the colors and will be working on them more before posting them, so stay tuned in my photo galleries for more of this guy in the hopefully near future.
Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Baby Alert
My brother just had his first son so I showed up and starting taking pictures. It was a bit tricky since he is so little, the flash made him squint so I reduced the flash to the lowest output setting and bumped the ISO a bit. I shot some with only the window light and an even higher ISO, but other than that a little levels adjustment, these are pretty much straight out of the camera. (Click any picture for a bigger size)
He was pretty sleepy the whole time we were there, but he started to wake up before we left and looked at me. I swear it looked like he wanted to say "hi, nice to meet you, now will you turn that flash OFF!"
He is happy and healthy and to prove it, here is 5 toe proof.
Welcome to the world little one. (a few more of Giovanni with some other family members can be seen here)
Last visit to the ballpark (this time)
I like the first picture because it leaves a little blur from the bat and the ball. At a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second, the bat and ball had to be moving pretty fast to still be blurred.
The next one, #76, Jesus Guzman highlights one of the non-roster invitees getting a shot at the team this spring training. You can read more about him and the other invitees in this article. I am always
impressed by how major league hitters pick up their front foot and take a step as they are swinging. Since I have never played baseball, I am not sure if this is for a little extra power, but it seems like it would make it harder to hit the ball.
The last shot shows how different some batters stances are. It looks uncomfortable, but it seems to work for him, even with a loose shoelace.
Whether you are a baseball fan or not, I hope you appreciated some of these baseball posts. If you are a baseball fan, leave a comment with your favorite team. I think there is a White Sox fan out there.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
To The Ballgame (part 2)
Friday, March 6, 2009
Take Me Out To The Ball Game...
One of my best friends is a big Giants fan, so I was rooting for them. They kept it within a few runs, but were not able to capitalize on some well hit balls and the A's caught a few breaks (hard hit balls that went right to their players for example).
During the game, a foul ball rolled to a stop near the 3rd base where the umpire picked it up. A new ball had already been thrown to the pitcher, so the ball was not needed for the game to go
I took about 200 pictures at the ballpark and spent a lot of time playing with different settings (changing focal point, quick ISO changes, tracking the ball, shooting in burst mode to capture action) so you can expect to see some more baseball pictures from this outing showing up here in the future.
Do you like team sports or are you more of an individual accomplishment kind of person? Would you rather play a round of golf or watch it live or watch it on tv? Let me know what your favorite sport is here in the comments or shout it out on Twitter. Thanks for dropping by.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Name That Bird
This contestant was spotted in February 2009, in the desert in the southwestern part of the USA. He (or she, I'm no expert on bird genders) was near Phoenix Arizona as a matter of fact, just to the East of town, in the lower parts of the Superstition mountains.
Ann sent me this pic that she has id'd as a Rock Wren